Portland Co-ed Announcement

To the Portland Co-ed Soccer Community,
        After 47 years of working tirelessly to ensure the local soccer community had a social and recreational league for adult players to enjoy the late Spring and Summer weather, while sharing the fields in friendly competition, Ginger Bradbury is stepping down as President of Portland Co-ed Soccer.  Ginger is stepping into the role of President Emeritus.  

Portland Co-ed Soccer started in 1976 as Eastside Coed, playing games on the fields at Camp Withycombe and the old Multnomah County Fairgrounds in Gresham.  After a number of years, with games being moved to Delta Park as the league expanded, it combined with Westside Coed and became Portland Coed Soccer, gaining fields and players to become the league we have enjoyed over the past number of years.

Ginger has been a local soccer icon for a long time.  She started with soccer when her kids were young, and continued to play, mentor, coach, and run various leagues over the years.  She has served on the OASA Board since the coed league became affiliated, as a League representative, and an advocate for local soccer events, and organizing tournaments.

On a personal note, I have always looked to Ginger for guidance and suggestions on how to address issues and keep things running as smoothly as possible.  I will miss having her presence and support on the field and in the “office” as Portland Co-ed moves forward.

We are assessing the future plans for Portland Coed, and will be announcing any changes at a later date.

Thank you, Ginger, for all you have done for Portland Co-ed Soccer.

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